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Magna Charta (1215)

Task 5. Find sentences with the following phrasal verbs:

Usher in – вводить

Go into (war) – вступать

Task 6. Find out what King John was like from the cultural commentary.

Task 7. What is the role of Magna Charta in English history?

Task 8. What document was created in the New World (America) under the influence of Magna Charta?

Task 9. Fill in the gaps while viewing.

The Norman 1)…….. led to the signing of one of the most important documents in British history. The story of Magna Charta begins during the reign of King John in the 13th century. King John* is a monarch Brits love 2).. ….. He managed to quarrel with everyone: he quarreled with the barons, he quarreled with the 3) …… and even the Pope * excommunicated * him. He made a right royal mess of everything. He tried to raise new 4) ….. from the barons. The barons were less than pleased. The barons forced him to meet them in Runnymeed, Surrey *. They 5)……. his powers and gave themselves new 6)……. King John had to sign the Articles of the Barons or Magna Charta. There were 63 articles. They gave Brits their liberties. Of those two clauses are especially important Clause 39 (no free man can be imprisoned,) and Clause 61 (25 Barons elect a council). Clause 61 was the beginning of 7)……….. Clause 39 is the cornerstone of Brits’ freedom. Everyone is innocent (невиновен) until proved guilty. John renounced (отвергнуть, отказаться от) the document as soon as the barons left. Both sides went into war. 8)…. did not survive in the war that followed. But 9)….. …… is still with us today and was even exported to the New World. It inspired the people who wrote the 10)……… …………. The Magna Charta showed that kings should consult people in the matter of taxing. The Magna Charta gave Brits the civil liberties they still enjoy today. Kings had to call Parliament if they wanted to raise taxes.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 438 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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