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Task11. Fill in the gaps while viewing

England was a predominantly 1)……….. state. Many influential nobles began to look for replacement (замена) for King James II. James’s conversion to Catholicism might have been tolerated (можно было бы терпеть) had it been a purely private matter (сугубо личное дело). James proclaimed religious freedom. This meant that Catholics could take important posts in the state. James’s wife gave birth to a son. There was a perspective of a string of Catholics monarchs on the British throne. People were worried. James’s daughter 2)…. was next in line to the throne. She was a protestant. And so was her 3) ……., William of Orange*, a Dutch Prince. So negotiations followed. William demanded an invitation from influential Protestants. William invaded in 1688. It was a coup. James II fled (бежал) which was interpreted as his abdication from the throne (отречение от престола). To give William more right it was decided he would rule jointly with Mary 4). ………. passed a document which revolutionized the relations between the crown and Parliament. The Bill of Rights became 5) … ….. of the Glorious Revolution*. It gave the throne to William even though James II was alive. The Bill of Rights, made it absolutely clear that no catholic could be king or queen of England. The Crown became 6). …. from Parliament. The Bill of Rights forced the monarch to give people more rights: the right to elect Members of Parliament, and the freedom of speech.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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