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English Civil war of 1642 -1649

Cromwell dissolving Long Parliament Sir Anthony van Dyck ca.1638, Lord John Stuart and his

brother Lord Bernard. Both died fighting for the King

Task 10. Fill in the gaps while viewing and find the sentence where the following phrasal verb is used: Break down – разрушать.

Charles I believed absolutely in his divine (божественное) right to rule Britain. He believed that he was ultimately answerable only to God.In 1)…. King Charles I decided to rule without 2)……….. Parliament was not happy. Charles I finally summoned Parliament after 11 years of 3)…….. ….. The Commons had an upper hand (выиграли). Charles had to agree to a number of ground-breaking laws that strengthened (укрепили) Parliament’s freedom. He had to summon them every 3 years, he could not dissolve (распускать) them 4).. ….. Trust between the king and Parliament had been completely broken down. In 1642 the country erupted (вверглась) into a 5)….. …. The war was fought between the Cavaliers*, who supported theKing, and the Roundheads* who were on the side of Parliament under Oliver Cromwell. Britain was deeply divided. The death toll was huge. Over 6)….. …….British people died in this struggle for freedom. The victor (победитель) would rule Britain. Parliament won. The King was put to trial for treason (государственная измена). The trial took place in Westminster Hall. The King was accused of (обвинен) unlimited and tyrannical powers. Charles I refused to defend himself because he did not recognize the legality (законность) of the court. In 1649 Charles I was led to the scaffold (место казни, плаха) outside the Banqueting House. It was said that when the king’s head fell, a deep groan (стон) went through the crowd. The execution deeply split the nation. Charles became a martyr (мученик). Parliament under Oliver Cromwell abolished (ликвидировал) monarchy altogether. Ten days after the 7)………(казнь) of Charles I Britain became 8). ……... In a decade it came to an end. The execution of Charles I became a turning point. Monarchy would never be the same. People now had the self-confidence to defend their freedom even if that would limit the freedom of their king.

Monarchy was restored in Charles’s son Charles II*. He did co-operate with Parliament. James II, brother of Charles II, proclaimed religious freedom and tried to make England catholic again.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 339 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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