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Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2

Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Clothes

Grammar: Adjectives

Teacher: assistant professor: Mangazina Zh.R.

I think he looks cool /awful/ ridiculous.
Exercise 1 Look at the photos. Give your opinions of the outfits using the adjectives in the box.

awful beautiful cool elegant great ridiculous scruffy smart stylish trendy


Exercise 2 Look at the words for describing clothes in the box. Make a list of the clothes you can see in the pictures adding one adjective to each.

a stripy top, a shiny coat…

Describingclothes patterns:check flowery plainspotty stripy shape:baggy long loose short tight texture:creased furry shiny smooth materials:cotton fur leather nylon wool other:high-heeled long-sleeved matching short-sleeved

Exercise 3 Compare and contrast the two photos. Answer the questions.

1.Who is buying clothes' off the peg'? Who is having clothes specially made?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having clothes specially made for you?

3. Which shopping experience would you find more enjoyable, and why?

4. Do you preferring shopping alone or with somebody else? Give reasons.

Execise 4 Read the text

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 600 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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