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Exercise 2 Give T (true), F (false) answers

  True False
  Speaker 1 was going into the restaurant to do some shopping    
  Taxi driver started getting really aggressive when he heard that his passenger is an English    
  Speaker 2 told the receptionist to give another room, because she was exhausted    
  Speaker 2 was waiting half an hour while they prepared the room    
  Speaker 3 ask the waitress to change his ravioli, but the waitress didn`t do it    

Exercise 3 Answer the questions according to the text

1. Why the first speaker get annoyed?

2. What did he ask the taxi driver to do?

3. What problems were with the second speaker`s room?

4. What happened when she told the receptionist?

5. Why did the third speaker ask the waitress to change his ravioli?

6. Can you remember a time when you complained to someone (to a taxi driver, to a hotel receptionist, to a waiter)?

Exercise 4 Make sentences with the following words and word combinations.

interested in smth., can`t afford, to work extra hours, become very good at doing smth, to turn off the electricity, a computer addict, dangerous obsession, to study computer science, like to find a job, family doctor

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