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Discipline: English as a foreign language Credits: 2

Intermediate level Practical lesson

Lexical theme: Health

Grammar: Time and sequence

Teacher: assistant professor: Mangazina Zh.R.

Exercise 1 Answer the questions.

Exercise 2. Use the extra information in sentences 1-10 to guess the meanings of the words in bold. Translate the sentences.

1 He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s coughing a lot at night.

2 He’s developed an allergy to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.

3 She’s got a stiff neck. She can hardly turn it.

4 I think I’ve sprained my ankle. I don’t think it’s broken.

5 I sometimes feel really dizzy and I have to sit down. The doctor says it might be because of high blood pressure

Exercise 3 Discussion. How many of the problems in bold and italics have you had in the last five years? Are there any you have never had?

Exercise 4. Match the patient’s and doctors’ comments

  1. My ankle’s quite swollen. I can hardly walk on it.
a) It’s a chest infection. It should clear up with antibiotics.
  1. I’ve done something to my back. It really hurts
b) Don’t scratch it. I’ll give you some cream for the itchiness.
  1. I hit my head and got this nasty bump
c) It’s probably just sprained, but we should have it X-rayed.
  1. I’ve had this nasty cough for weeks.
d) Well, I have been under a lot of stress recently.
  1. I’ve got this nasty rash. It’s really itchy.
e) Oh no! How long will I have to have it in plaster?
  1. It’s quite a nasty cut.
f) Did you feel dizzy or lose consciousness at all?
  1. You’ve broken your leg. I’m afraid.
g) Will it need some stitches?
  1. You’ve got very high blood pressure
h) I’ll get the nurse to give you some painkillers, but you’ll need to rest it. Don’t do any lifting.

Exercise 5 Look at the s ample Memo from Staff to Supervisor. Addressing late arrival for work as a result of not feeling well. Write your memo using new vocabulary.

June 20, 2013 Date Address Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Late Arrival My Memo seeks to explain my absence from work this morning at the usual time. First, I apologise for being unavoidably late. I got up at the usual time and had all intentions of getting to work early, but for a severe headache (l bad feelings, high fever or adverse reaction to a recent meal). I called the doctor who advised I should come straight to his/her office. While there, I started feeling worse and was just unable to call to say I was running late. Again, I am really sorry for the late time I arrived; Sincerely, ______________________

Exercise 6 Write the dictation.

Exercise 7. Read the text. You are going to read a medical website.

Remember this is for information only. If you have any worries about your health, you should always consult your doctor!!!

Fact or myth?

1. It’s difficult to ignore your mother when she tells you to “wrap up warm” or “dry your hair or you’ll get a cold”- but colds are not caused by the cold: they are caused by viruses! Walking around with wet hair or a T-shirt in winter may look silly, and will make you feel cold, but you will only get a cold or the flu, if you come into contact with an infected person. The best way to avoid viruses like these is to wash your hands regularly when there’s a bug going around.

2. Despite the huge medical advances that have been made over the last century, the common cold is still incurable and medicine does little for the symptoms either. Antibiotics won’t help as your cold is caused by one of over 200 viruses. The only time you may need them is if you develop a throat or ear infection. Otherwise, go to bed and drink lots of fluids and wait till you get better.

3. Acne is a hormonal condition which causes the skin to produce too much oil. Eating a lot of fatty foods may be bad for you in other ways, but research has failed to find any connection between diet and acne. Incidentally, washing too much can make the condition worse. It’s best just to wash gently twice a day and don’t rub the skin too hard.

Doctors have several ideas about what leads to arthritis including bacterial or viral infections and jobs which involve an overuse of your joints. Some types of arthritis can even affect children. However, no types are caused by cracking your finger joists.

Exercise 8 Translate the text with a dictionary.

Exercise 9 Answer the questions.

a) What do mothers often tell their children?

b) What is the best way to avoid catching a cold?

c) When you may need antibiotics?

d) What is the best way to deal with a cold?

e) What makes acne worse?


Time and sequence

Two things happening at the same time. Pat wrote letters whileI cooked the dinner. (two actions in the same period of time) The accident happened while I was on my way to work. (Here there is a longer action “on my way to work” and a shorter action “the accident”. We can also use when or ashere.) I saw him (just) asI came out of the office. (For two very short actions we use as (not while), and we often use just as to emphasize that these two short actions happened at exactly the same moment: He opened the door just as I touched the handle)
A sequence of actions We had a great holiday. First of all we spent a few days in St. Mortiz. Then/ After that we drove down to the Italian Riviera and stayed in Portofino foe a week. Finally, we went back to Switzerland and visited some old friends in Lucerne. NOTE:
  • If one action happens soon after the other, we often use afterwardsin place of after (that): First of all we met the others for a meal, and afterwards we went to the disco.
  • If you want to say that something happened after a lot of time and /or a lot of problems, you can use eventuallyor in the end
We took several wrong turnings and the traffic was awful, but eventually we got there.

Maria cleaned the kitchen as/while I did the bathroom

I had a lot of problems at the shop but eventually/ finally they agreed to give me a refund.

The phone rang while/ just as I was leaving the house

The letter arrived while/ as we were getting ready

I think I dropped the letter as__________________________________________________________

I looked up half of the words in my dictionary while _______________________________________

We had to wait for hours but eventually _________________________________________________

I saw him break the window just as_____________________________________________________

Exercise 10 T. 15.2. [3. p.173]

You are going to hear a Swedish woman, Anna, talking to her colleague, Dan, about his holiday. In the conversation, Dan describes an accident that his friend James had. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of holiday was it?

2. How did the accident happen?

3. Was James badly injured?

4. How did they get him to a hospital?

5. What did the doctors tell him?

Exercise 11 Put the events from the conversation in order. Listen again to check your answers.

a) He had quite a few cuts bruises.

b) It spoilt his holiday, really.

c) James went off the road into some bushes and fell off.

d) He had to have a few stitches in the cuts.

e) She took him to hospital, which was really kind of her.

f) We were going back to the hotel down a steep road.

g) He’s now found out his bike frame’s broken.

h) A woman came past in her car a minute or two later.

Exercise 12 Finish the given sentences

a) How was your holiday? You went mountain biking in Austria,____________?

b) It was great, except for Jame’s ___________.

c) James went round this tight bend too fast and he went off the road into some bushes and fell off. It was___________.

d) So what_____________?

e) How did you get _______________________________?

1. Choose the right variant.

He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s _________a lot at night.

a) coughing

b) beautiful

c) swollen

d) broken

2. Choose the right variant.

He’s developed ___________to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.

a) an allergy

b) a cough

c) sprain

d) wool

3. Choose the right variant.

She’s got a stiff neck. She can hardly________.

a) turn it

b) switch on

c) turn out

d) turn

4. Choose the right variant.

I think I’ve _________my ankle. I don’t think it’s broken.

a) sprained

b) smart

c) turn it

d) stiff

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-02-18; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 801 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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