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Exercise 11 Write your answers to the questions (your answer must be more than 5 sentences)

1. Do you have any of those bad habits mentioned in your list?

2. Is it possible to get rid of bad habits?

Exercise 12 Write if you or your family members have any annoying habits (write 10 sentences).

  1. I _____ like a glass of beer, please.

a) shall

b) would

c) was

d) wasn`t

  1. I ______to give you a quiz today, but I’m afraid I’ll get strangled if I do.

a) was going

b) shall

c) would

d) going to

  1. Mother was going to say that she _____ bless our marriage.

a) was going

b) would

c)will be

d)was to

  1. David _____ to do the whole story on the hospital, but Marsha stopped him.

a) would

b) was going

c) will

d) going to

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 527 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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