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II. Give extensive answers to the questions making use of the following expressions

According to this conception It brings new emphasis to Furthermore
As a result It is instrumental in doing sth They differ as to …
As regards Consequently In addition
The logic behind this is In/with regard to Admittedly

· 1.What are the bases of principal theoretical constructs concerning the interplay between the international order and municipal legal system of international law?

· 2.What new changes can be seen in the way international and municipal law are entangled?

· 3.What is necessary for most international rules to be put into practice?

· 4.What is the basic principle of implementing international law within domestic legal systems?

· 5.How is complete freedom of States observed with regard to the implementation of international rules?

· 6.What are the mechanisms for implementing international rules?

· 7.When does automatic standing incorporation occur? What are the consequences of such incorporation?

· 8.How does legislative ad hoc incorporation differ from automatic standing incorporation?

· 9.What forms can the legislation of a state take under legislative ad hoc incorporation?

· 10.Which principles of incorporation are preferable? Why?

III. Summarizing. Write the plan of the text in the form of statements. Develop your plan into a summary.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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