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Grammar revision

I. The formal subject expressed by ‘it’. Translate into Russian the sentences with impersonal ‘it’.


It follows, among other things, that international law cannot directly address itself to individuals.

Среди прочего следует, что международное право само по себе не может быть непосредственно обращено к индивиду.

15. It is clear that this theory rest on two basic ideological principles: internationalism and pacifism.

16. It is plausible that there was also another reason: Kelsen was aware that the international community was still far from the condition postulated by his theory.

17. Whenever international rules are self-executing, it would be preferable to resort to the automatic incorporation of international rules.

18. Given the characteristics of customary law, it is far more fitting and practical to leave it to judges and other State officials to establish whether and to what extent a customary rule is binding within the legal system of a state.

19. It should however be noted that in some States until recently a customary rule of international law could not be brought before, and applied, by the Court of Cassation.

20. Plainly, it is for each State to decide on the width of its territorial sea, by enacting national legislation or regulation on the matter.

21. It should be added that in many countries that have constitutional courts these courts have acted upon the principle of primacy of international treaties over ordinary legislation.

22. It would seem that this wording is sufficiently flexible to grant much leeway to courts when confronted with cases of conflict between national legislation and international treaties.

23. It is for each State, within its national legal system, to find the way to best settle conflicts and tension that may arise between (1) respect for the fundamental rights of individuals at the national level and (2) political discretion of States in the conduct of international affairs.

24. It could, however, be objected that this principle of construction, however artificial, ultimately constitutes a sound device forged by courts to make good mistakes or oversights of the legislature.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 149 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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