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IV. Analyse the meanings of the words. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct word in each case


1. International law no longer constitutes a different legal …… from the various municipal systems and has a huge direct impact on these systems. 2. This mechanism enables the national legal system to adjust itself fully to international rules as they are construed and applied in the international ……...

to comply with-to abide by-to conform to

1. State officials and all the individuals concerned, become duty-bound ……….. the international provisions to which the act of parliament makes reference. 2. Consequently, municipal law must always …………… international law. 3. The dualistic conception advocated the need for national legal systems …………. international rules by turning them into national norms binding at the domestic level.

a corollary-a consequence

1. As ……, the general principles governing relationships between rules having the same rank apply. 2. In cases of conflict, international law declares all domestic rules or acts contrary to it to be illegal, as an inevitable …………, the ‘transformation’ of international norms into domestic law is not necessary from the point of view of international law.

to repeal-to set aside

1. However, a subsequent law ……… or modifies or at any rate supersedes a previous law; a subsequent general law does not derogate from a prior special law. 2. In addition, international rules cannot alter or ……….. national legislation; national laws cannot create, modify or ……. international rules. 3. The fact is that the international rule is ……. by a simple act of parliament.

to override-to prevail over

1. Under Moser’s doctrine national law subsumed and ………… international legal rules, which were ‘external State law’. 2. In case a constitutional provision provides for the incorporation of treaties, duly ratified treaties ………… national legislation. 3. In the USA treaties have the status of federal law and ……….. State law, but can be superseded by a later federal law.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 179 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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