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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Pathogens [ ' pæqәd¯әnz], Weakened [' wi:kәnd], Targeted [' tα: gitid],

Immunization [imjunai 'zeiòәn],Effort [ 'efәt], Mercury ['m”:kjuri],

Attenuated [ә' tenjuәtid], Species ['spi:ò i:z], Vaccine ['v æksi:n], Azheimer’s [ ' ælts haimәz], Pasteur [pæ 'st”:]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Pathogen болезнетворный микроорганизм или

фактор; возбудитель

with the intent с целью

related родственный, связанный

targeted прицельный, плановый, контрольный

inoculation инокуляция, посев, прививка, вакцинация

compulsion побуждение, принуждение

spectacular эффектный

to assert утверждать

induction вызывание, возбуждение

closely-related близкородственный

strain штамм

exposure экспозиция

on exposure при воздействии

to a degree очень, значительно

rabid бешеный

to trigger начинать, вызывать

reliably в полной мере

hypodermic подкожный

Polio полиомиелит

Exercise 3. Form and translate the new words by adding:

Sub- divide, tropical, class, coetaneous, costal, family, mucous

Inter- costal, national, muscular, vertebral, ventricular, vascular

Exercise 4. Read and translate the words with the following suffixes and give some more examples of your own:

realize, recognize, criticize, generalize

sufficiency, urgency, persistency, emergency

distant, present, absent, dependent

badness, coldness, whiteness, redness

associative, connective, preventive, investigative

Exercise 5. Translate the given words with same root:

Condition, conditioned, unconditioned; protect, protective, protection; production, productive, produce; add, addition, additional; developed, developing, development.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones and make up the sentences of your own.

the incidence of many diseases; the eradication of smallpox; widespread acceptance; mercury derivatives; the administration of one or more immunogens; closely-related species; to be beneficial to a degree; essential empiricism; immune response; post-exposure immunisation to Rabies; by hypodermic injection; to be not absorbed reliably through the gut; in order to produce immunity.

Exercise 7. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. inoculation     2. immunization   3. immunity     4. vaccine   5. vaccination   6. autism   7. pathogen   1. A means of producing immunity to a disease by using vaccine, or a special preparation of antigenic material, to stimulate the formation of appropriate antibodies. 2. A rare psychiatric disorder of childhood, with the onset before the age of 2, 5 years. It is marked by severe difficulties in communicating and forming relationship with other people, in developing language, etc. 3. The introduction of a small quantity of material, such as a vaccine, in the process of immunization: a more general name for vaccination. 4. The body’s ability to resist infection, afforded by the presence circulating antibodies and white blood cells. 5. A microorganism, such as a bacterium, that parasitizes an animal (or plant) or man and produces a disease. 6. A special preparation of antigenic material that can be used to stimulate the development of antibodies and thus confer active immunity against a specific disease or number of diseases. 7. The production of immunity by artificial means. The material used for immunization may consist of live bacteria or viruses so treated that they are harmless.

Exercise 8. Revise the grammar material. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the sentences with Modal Verbs + Perfect Infinitive.


1. He cannot have known it. (не может быть)

2. Can he have known it? (неужели?)

3. He may have known it. (может быть; возможно)

4. He must have known it. (должно бать; вероятно)

1. Can such a serious complication have occurred in this case?

2. The disease can’t have developed so quickly.

3. The pain may not have been controlled yet?

4. The doctor may have administered this patient a light diet.

5. The nurse must have already given the injection.

6. His vision must have been checked up last week.

Exercise 9. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 292 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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