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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

leterious [ delitiəriəs ], temperate [ 'tempərit ], throughout [θru(:)'aut ], susceptible [sə'səptəbl], menace [ 'menəs ], robust [ rəu'bΛst], faucial [ fə:siəl ], raw [rə:], myocarditis [maio(u)ka:daitis], mandatory [ 'mændətəri ], quarantine

['kwərənti:n ], successive [sək'sesiv ].

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

fibrin – фибрин

deleterious – вредный, вредоносный

temperate – умеренный

dissemination – распространение

experience – испытывать

susceptible – восприимчивый

menace – угроза, опасность

predispose – предрасполагать

robust – крепкий, здоровый

pillar of fauces – небные дужки

dreadful – плохой, ужасный

apt to smth – склонный, подверженный

employment – использование, применение

stiffness – онемение, одеревенение, окостенелость

raw – лишенный кожи, свежий, чувствительный

mandatory – обязательный, принудительный

successive – следующий один за другим, последующий

culture – выращивание бактерий

Exercise 3. Match the following English word combinations with Russian ones:

1. absorbed by blood stream 1. распространяться при прямом контакте

2. produce deleterious effect on 2. внезапное начало

3. spread by direct contact 3. всасываться кровотоком

4. put in an appearance 4. производить вредное действие на

5. healthy carrier 5. по расположению

6. according to the distribution 6. появиться ненадолго

7. insidious onset 7. здоровый носитель

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences. Define the form and function of Participle I in the sentences:

1. Looking at some case reports the doctor explained something to his assistants. 2. The student is examining the patient together with the doctor- in-charge. 3. As the patient complains of a severe headache the nurse is giving him some medicines. 4. Examining the patient the doctor noticed some changes in his recovery. 5. The moaning patient didn’t hear when the doctor on duty entered the ward.

Exercise 5. Find the Participles and explain their functions in the following sentences. Translate them.

1. The blood will have less oxygen combined with hemoglobin because the need of the active muscles has withdrawn more oxygen in a restful state. 2. Cardiac failure may be present when the heart is functioning at 90 per cent efficiency. 3. A drug extracted from a plant of the digitalis group is indicated in almost all cases of heart failure. 4. The diseased heart may have such a handicap as to be unable to move the blood satisfactory. 5. the patient received an adequate treatment with diphtheria antitoxin which contributed to the clearing up of the throat.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 266 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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