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Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation:

rhinitis [rai’naitis], encounter [in’kauntə ], frequent [‘frikwənt],

additive [‘æditiv], environment [in’vaiәr(ә)nmәnt]

Exercise 2. Choose all of the answers that denote (indicate or directly signify) or which match the key Latin-Greek elements in the questions:

1. bio-, as in biology or microbiotic, means:
(a) life (b) science (c) animal (d) two (e) living

2. pyro-, as in pyromania or pyrolatry, means:.
(a) fire (b) destroy (c) flame (d) smother (e) break

3. post-, as in postscript or posterior, means:
(a) against (b) after (c) write (d) behind (e) letter

4. mnem-, as in mnemonics or amnesia, means:
(a) teach (b) memory (c) forget (d) illness (e) remember

5. sol-, as in solarium or parasol, means:
(a) alone (b) sun (c) one (d) shade (e) helio

6. -cise or -cide, as in incision or excide, means:
(a) cut (b) clean (c) death (d) slit (e) kill

7. port-, as in transport or export, means:.
(a) to ship (b) to bare (c) to carry (d) to bear (e) to stand

Exercise 3. Topic vocabulary:

Pollen - пыльца;

Ragweed - амброзия полыннолистная;

Fall - осень (амер.);

Mite - клещ;

Weed - сорная трава, сорняк;

Mold - плесень; плесенный грибок;

Dander - перхоть;

Furry - пушистый, покрытый мехом (о животных);

Potent - сильнодействующий;

To counter - противостоять;

Exercise 4. Match the following English word combinations with the Russian ones.

1. increased sensitivity 1. отдышка

2. allergic reaction 2. дыхательный аппарат

3. a breathing apparatus 3. насморк

4. shortness of breath 4. повышенная чувствительность

5. runny nose 5. аллергическая реакция

Exercise 5. Translate the following words.

Abnormal, harmless, antibody, gastrointestinal, abdominal, carefully, outdoor,

environmental, cautious, causative, difficulty, shortness.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 210 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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