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Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Migraine ['mi:grein], atherosclerosis [æθərəusliə'rəusis], crisis ['kraisis], yawning ['jɔ:niŋ], consciousness ['kɔn∫əsnis], myocardium [maiəu'ka:diəm], peculiarity [pikju:li'æriti], encounter [in'kauntə], psychiatric [saiki'ætrik], fatiguability [fəti:gə'biliti]

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To encounter – встречать(ся)

Value – значение

On the background – на фоне

Indisposition – нездоровье, легкое недомогание

Formidable yawning – сильное зевание

Fatiguability – утомляемость

In particular – в особенности, в частности

To arise – возникать

To omit – пропускать

Peculiarity – особенность

Appropriate - соответствующий

To be inclined to – быть склонным к

Exercise 3. Give Russian equivalents;

A great value, the so-called vascular variant, brain vessels, infectious inflammatory processes, sensation of weakness, throbbing pain, pressing pain, squeezing pain, appropriate treatment, increased fatiguability, moderate headache, internal organs, insufficiency of brain circulation, prolonged attack, cervical radiculitis.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Participles:

The blood coming from the lungs is rich in oxygen.

The accompanying symptoms of the flu are high temperature, muscular pains and vomiting.

The count made a week ago was normal.

Scarlet fever is characterized by rash covering the whole trunk.

The excised mass measured 2 cm in diameter.

The patient operated on yesterday complained of a severe headache.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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