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Standardization is the process of developing and implementing technical standards. The goals of standardization can be to help with independence of single suppliers (commoditization), compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality.

Standardization is the process of establishing a technical standard, which could be a standard specification, standard test method, standard definition, standard procedure (or practice), etc.

The existence of a published standard does not necessarily imply that the item is fit for any particular use. The people who use the item or service (engineers, trade unions, etc.) or specify it (building codes, government, industry, etc.) have the responsibility to consider the available standards, specify the correct one, enforce compliance, and use the item correctly. Validation of suitability is necessary.

Standardization is implemented greatly when companies release new products to market. Compatibility is important for products to be successful; many devices coming out have USB, Ethernet, or other standard types of connection. This allows consumers to use their new items along with what they already own.

In the context of customer service, standardization refers to the process of developing an international standard that enables organizations to focus their attention on delivering excellence in customer service, whilst at the same time providing recognition of success through a third party organization, such as British Standards Institution (BSI). The International Customer Service Standard (TICSS) has been developed by The International Customer Service Institute (TICSI) with the objective of making it the cornerstone global standard of customer service. This standard has the status of an independent standard, managed by The International Customer Service Institute.

Standardization is today recognized as being an essential discipline for all players within the economy - both national and international, who must strive to master its motivating forces and implications. Twenty years ago, it was the reserved field of a few specialists. Today, companies have integrated standardization in their corporate structure as a major technical and commercial element. They are aware that they must take an active role in this field, or risk being thrown out of the game with the rules being drawn in their absence and without taking their interests into consideration.

Запомните необходимый лексический минимум

standardization стандартизация
commoditization товаризация; коммерциализация
compatibility сочетаемость, совместимость
interoperability взаимозаменяемость
repeatability повторяемость, воспроизводимость
trade union профсоюз
compliance соответствие
validation подтверждение; сертификация
excellence высокое качество

Дата публикования: 2015-03-29; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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