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Page 66. Ex. 4

juvenile delinquency – подростковая преступность, преступность среди несовершеннолетних

gang I [ ] 1. 1) а) набор, комплект (инструментов или снаряжения) б) собрание, коллекция 2) группа людей, объединенная общими интересами а) партия, бригада; артель; смена (группа людей, работающих вместе) б) банда, шайка (группа людей, занимающаяся преступной деятельностью) в) компания, тусовка

confine – 2. 1) ограничивать (в пределах чего-л. - within) 2) в пространственном отношении а) ограничивать б) заключать в тюрьму в) заточать, держать взаперти г) приковывать

petty crime – малозначительное преступление

staggering [ ] ошеломленный, пораженный

total – 3. 1) подводить итог, подсчитывать 2) доходить до, равняться, насчитывать (о сумме, числе) 3) разбивать, разрушать. ломать


(проверка знаний студентов 4-го курса ПАМ
на предмет усвоения лексики 2-го урока из учебника под.ред. В.Д.Аракина):

1. When Harper Lee was born and when she was died? (1926 -).

2. What is the name of her best-known novel ("To kill a Mockingbird").

3. Who is the central character of her novel? Give his name and position. (Atticus Finch, a lawyer).

4. How many members does a jury of any court in the USA and Great Britain consist of? (12)

5. What does a jury find? (guilty or not guilty)

6. Give the Russian equivalent for the following: "A fault confessed is half redressed"

7. Give the Russian equivalents for the following: "felony", "misdemeanour"

8. List trial courts in Ukraine. (City, District Courts).

9. Which court in the USA does oversee, whether laws passed by Congress agree with the Constitution?

10. Which court in Ukraine does oversee, whether laws passed by Verkhovna Rada agree with the Const.?

11. Which court in the USA and Ukraine is the court of final decision and last resort? (Supreme Court).

How can you say in a different way:

12. "Hard as the boy tried, he could find no job."?

13. "Late as Andrew come, his wife will always sit up for him."

14. "She may say anything. Don't believe it."

15. "Whoever she might be, she oughtn't to have done it".

Give the synonym:

16. clever, skilful, shrewd [Sru:d] (smart)

17. to give one thing and to receive another in its place (exchange)

18. innocence (guiltlessness)

19. blame (guilt)

20. swap (exchange)

21. having committed a crime (guilty)

22. guiltless (innocent)

23. belief in the justice and strength of a person (trust)

24. worthy of trust, reliable (trustworthy)

25. immediate result, that which is produced by a cause (effect)

26. to get/go/come/enter into force/operation (~ into effect)

27. to pull or move suddenly (to jerk)

28. to give higher position or rank (to promote)

29. advancement to higher rank (promotion)

30. healthy, free from injury or defect, not harmful, capable and careful (sound or safe and sound)

31. to look in several different directions (to look about)

32. to have or show low opinion (to look down on)

33. to find and visit someone (to look up)

Give the English equivalents for the following:

34. суд первой инстанции (trial court)

35. апелляционный суд (court of appeals)

36. Верховный суд США (the US Supreme Court)

37. Верховный суд штата Алабама (Supreme Court of the State of Alabama)

38. суд по делам несовершеннолетних (Juvenile Court)

39. судебный процесс; иск; тяжба (lawsuit)

40. гражданские дела, уголовные дела (civil cases, criminal cases)

41. подать иск (to file a complaint, to take legal actions)

42. допрашивать свидетеля — (to examine a witness)

43. задержать, арестовать, заключить под стражу (to detain a person);

44. признать виновным или невиновным (to bring in (to return, to give) a verdict of guilty/not guilty)

45. вступить в силу (о законе) – (to attach, to inure, to get/go/come/enter into effect/force/operation, to become effective/operational/operative/ valid)

46. вид грабежа или разбоя на улице, когда преступник-наркоман с целью завладения деньгами потерпевшего подкрадывается к нему сзади и душит сгибом руки за горло (street mugging -- маггинг)

Discuss the following topics:

1. Compare the Court System in the USA and in Ukraine.

2. What is Supreme Court in the USA responsible for?




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