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5. oppose v to be or act against, e. g. His father did not oppose his plan to study medicine.

to be opposed to, e. g. He is opposed to sex education in schools.

opposite n a person or thing that is as different as possible, e. g. Black and white are opposites. – 1) противоположность

opposite a 1) totally different; 2) across from where you are, e. g. He sits opposite. – 3) диаметрально противоположный по природе, натуре, характеру и т.д.

opposition n 1) (U) action against, e. g. His opposition to the plan surprised his friends. 2) the political parties opposed to the government. – 1) противодействие, сопротивление, создание препятствий; неприятие, вражда (to)

6. initial n, usu. pl first letters of a person's name.

initial a coming at the beginning, as the initial advantage, attempt, stage, step, symptoms, etc., e. g. His initial response to the question was "no". – 1) начальный; исходный, отправной, первоначальный; начинающийся, зарождающийся

initiative n 1) (C) the first step in an undertaking (esp. in the phr. to take the initiative), e. g. Jean took the initiative at the party by introducing herself to the people she didn't know. 2) (U) the ability to do things before others; enterprise, e. g. Did you do this on your own initiative? – 1) инициатива, первый шаг, почин 2) предприимчивость, инициативность, способность к самостоятельным активным действиям

7. attention n 1) (U) active focusing of the mind, (oft. in the phr. to pay attention to, to attract/to draw smb's attention to), e. g. Do not let your attention wander. 2) (U) thoughtful consideration, care, e. g. A good mother gives equal attention to each of her children.

attend vt/i 1) to give one's attention, e. g. Are you attending to what is being said? 2) to be present at, e. g. The meeting was well attended. 3) to look after, e. g. I have a good doctor attending me. – 1) уделять внимание, быть внимательным (to - к кому-л., чему-л.) 2) заботиться, следить (to - за чем-л.); выполнять 3) ходить, ухаживать (за больным) 4) прислуживать, обслуживать (on, upon) 5) сопровождать; сопутствовать 6) посещать; присутствовать (на лекциях, собраниях и т. п.)

attentive a 1) paying attention; 2) courteous, considerate, as an attentive host.

Ant. inattentive – 1) внимательный 2) заботливый 3) вежливый, предупредительный

8. reassure vt to restore confidence or courage, e. g. The doctor reassured the sick man (about his health).

reassurance n (C; U), e. g. She won't believe it in spite of all our reassurance. – 1) заверять, уверять, убеждать; успокаивать; утешать (about, of) 2) перестраховывать, повторно страховать

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