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Page 54. Ex. 7. Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern

1. No matter who told you that I had stolen the money, it is the court that has the right to establish somebody's guilt.

2. I will not allow you to treat with me in such manner, no matter who are you.

3. No matter what I do, you must fulfil your own duty.

4. No matter what it may seem, it is the court that has the right to establish somebody's guilt.

5. No matter how fine the weather was, I had no time to go for a ride.

6. No matter how hard she tried, she has not fulfilled her duties.

7. The girl was conscious of nothing but her ability to think about complicated things.

8. They were afraid they would have nothing but they worried for nothing.

Page 54. Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns:

1. Кто бы ни был этот человек, он не имел права так поступать. 2. Врач всегда должен быть внимателен, кто бы к нему ни обратился, какой бы странной ни казалась жалоба пациента. 3. Она всегда гото­ва помочь, кто бы ни попросил ее о помощи. 4. Что бы ты ни говорил, я все равно тебе не верю. 5. Аттикуc Финч знал, что он проиграет процесс, как бы он ни старался доказать, что Том Робинсон невино­вен. 6. Как бы она ни устала, она имеет обыкновение убирать, квар­тиру, прежде чем лечь спать. 7. Его лицо не выражало ничего, кроме негодования. 8. Только операция может спасти вашего сына. 9. Ска­жите ему правду, ничего кроме правды, как бы тяжела она ни была. 10. Мы слышали только легкий шум. 1. No matter who/Whoever this man might be, he had no right to act/treat (in such a way)/(like this)/(in this way). 2. The doctor must always be careful/considerate, no matter who turns to him, no matter haw strange patient's complaint might be 3. She is always ready to help, no matter who ask her aid. 4. No matter what you could say, I do not believe you. 5. Atticus Finch knew/was aware that he would (fail in a suit)/(lose the case), no matter how he tried to prove Tom Robinson's innocence/guiltlessness. 6. No matter how tied she could be, she /(is) always practises/(wont) to do/(tidy up) her flat before going to bed. 7. His face shows nothing but indignation. 8. Nothing but an operation can save your son. 9. Tell him the true, nothing but true, no matter how hard it would be. 10. We heard nothing but a light/slight noise.

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