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Ex. 2. Translate into English the word combinations from the text

умственное и физическое расслабление, подсознание, воссоздать прошедшие события, изменить вредные привычки, обнаружить причину страхов, восстанавливать сон, умереть от голода, входить в лифт, проводимый экспертом.


On January 20, 1988, an Australian woman, her three children, and the family dog were traveling in South Australia to visit some relatives. As they were driving along, they suddenly saw a strange light ahead of them. It was pale yellow and seemed to be zigzagging around. Then the object came straight towards them and hovered right in front of the car. It looked just like an egg in an egg cup. After swerving and zigzagging to try and get clear of the object, they realized it was now hovering directly over their car. They could hear a high humming sound and felt the car was being tossed from side to side, as if by very strong winds. They also noticed a terrible smell of electrical burning, and the car filled with a strange gray mist. Then they realized that the car was no longer touching the surface of the road. It seemed to be hovering a few meters above the ground. After a short while the car crashed back down to earth. Inside the car there was a fine dust. They reported the incident to the police and to UFO investigators, but the case has remained unexplained.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 353 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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