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Ex. 4. Read and translate the text. Give the main idea of the text


In the United States, it is becoming more and more common for engaged couples to sign prenuptial agreements before they say, "I do." A prenuptial agreement is a contract of practical agreements, which can protect both the husband and wife in the event of a divorce. "A couple promises to love one another until the end of time, and that time ends in approximately five years," says divorce attorney Elena Garcia. "With the divorce rate running close to 50 percent, it just makes sense for couples to plan ahead. It's kind of like an insurance policy. You hope nothing bad is going to happen, but you're prepared if it does."

Negotiating a prenuptial agreement can test a couple's relationship, especially when one partner has a lot to lose. "Gilbert came from a very wealthy family, and his father pressured him into getting me to sign a prenuptial agreement," says Lydia "It was a horrible process to go through. I basically had to agree that if Gilbert and I divorced, I wouldn't be entitled to one penny of their family fortune." Gilbert and Lydia have been happily married for a year. Nonetheless, Lydia admits that their relationship changed the day she signed the pre-nup papers. "I felt like I was signing our divorce agreement before we were even married. And, to be honest, the whole thing made me question Gilbert's love for me." Indeed, at the time that two people are making a commitment to marry, each individual wants to feel that he or she is the most important person in the potential spouse's life. Yet the prenuptial agreement symbolizes a loyally to something or someone outside of the couple's relationship This can leave both partners feeling vulnerable, and even distrustful, it is essential that both people feel as if they're gaining something from the agreement.

Prenuptial agreements aren't always just about financial issues. Couples can agree on everything from how many children they will have to who will wash the Sunday night dishes. "We spelled everything out," says Delores Walker, "and it's worked out fine." Her husband Harold agrees. "It was the second marriage for both of us, and we both knew what we wanted. I knew that I never wanted to cook. Ever. So we wrote that in." Adds Delores, "And I knew that I wanted to receive roses on my birthday every year. That's in there, too." Could Delores take Harold to court if she didn't receive her roses? "No," says Elena Garcia "Generally speaking, the courts will not uphold agreements of a non monetary nature. For example, you can't sue your spouse for failure to keep the bathroom clean, even if your prenuptial agreement says that he or she is responsible for that chore. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider including those typos of everyday issues in your contract It helps to clarity expectations on both sides."

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 555 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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