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Supplementary reading. Character through handwriting


More and more psychologists and handwriting experts begin to think that your handwriting can tell a lot about your character So, every time when you lake a pen you must know that you give yourself away.

You may think that you can deceive the experts by changing your handwriting. But you will still give yourself away, they say. Whether you write fast, slowly and carefully, left-handed or right-handed, they can tell the sort of person you are.

It is size, pressure and slant that give you away. These three factors can reveal your intelligence, your imagination and your strength of personality and how good you would be for this or that job.

Size is an indicator of how important you think you are. If your capital letters are very large, you think much of yourself. If the capital letters are small, you could be in the wrong job. Small capital letters are a sign of nervous people who agree with everybody. Big writing means you have a big heart, you are friendly.

Pressure gives you away too. That is the way you press down on your pen. The harder you press, the harder you will work. And you are also more energetic and take the initiative more often. If you don't press too hard, it means that your work is not very important to you.

Slant shows whether you are happy and carefree or disturbed by different problems. If your writing slopes backwards, it could show that you are very emotional. And if some of your letters go one way and some another, it almost certainly means that there is something wrong in your relations with friends and relatives.

The experts now say that they can even spot different diseases in a patient's writing style.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 701 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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