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Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with words below

expectations financial courts vulnerable happily symbolize contract relationship

  1. A prenuptial agreement is a _______________ of practical agreements.
  2. Negotiating a prenuptial agreement can test a couple ___________.
  3. Gilbert and Lydia have been _________ married for a year.
  4. The prenuptial agreement ______________ a loyalty to someone or something outside the relationship.
  5. This can leave both partners feeling _______________ and distrustful.
  6. Prenuptial agreements aren’t always about ___________ issues.
  7. The _______ will not upload agreements of a non-monetary nature.
  8. Prenuptial agreements may help clarify _____________ on both sides.

Ex. 6. Let’s discuss!

  1. Marriage is an outdated institution and a bad idea.
  2. It’s not reasonable to expect people to stay happily married for more than five years.
  3. All couples should be required to sign a prenuptial agreement.
  4. The minimum age to get a marriage license should be 21.
  5. Parents should choose their children’s marriage partners.
  6. Divorce should be against law except in extreme or unusual cases.
  7. Married couples should have children.
  8. Infidelity should be immediate grounds for divorce.
  9. Couples who really love each other should just live together. Who needs a marriage ceremony and a piece of paper?
  10. Marriage is different from love.
  11. Love is blind.
  12. Every Jack must have his Jill.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 716 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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