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Discussion questions and problems. 1. What is a 'difficult child' in the family or a 'difficult student' at school?

1. What is a 'difficult child' in the family or a 'difficult student' at school?

2. Have you ever met extraordinary talented people? Do they seem strange?

It’s interesting to know

1. The tallest recorded man of whom there is medical evidence was Robert Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, Illinois, USA. In 1940 Robert Wadlow was 272 cm. His greatest recorded weight was 223 kg on his 21st birthday. He died at the age of 22.

2. The tallest tribe in the world is the Tutsi in Rwanda and Burundi, Central Africa, where the average adult height is more than 183 cm.

3. The heaviest woman Rosalie Bradford (USA) was registered with a peak weight of 544 kg (1,199 lb) in January 1987, age 43. After following a controlled diet, she weighted 128 kg (282 lb) in February 1994.

4. The shortest man was Gul Mohammed (India). At the age of 26 his height was 57 cm (1 ft 10.5 in).

5. The longest-bearded woman was “Bearded Lady” Janice Deveree (USA). Her beard was measured at 36 cm long in 1884.

6. The world’s longest fingernails are those of Shridhar Chillal (India), who last cut his fingernails in 1952. On July 8 1998 the nails of his left hand had a total length of 6.15 m (20 ft 2.25 in).

7. The biggest feet of a living person (excluding cases of the disease elephantiasis) are those of Matthew McGrory (USA) who wears US size 28.5 shoes. Unsurprisingly, he has all his shoes custom-made to fit. Both his big toes measure 12.7 cm in length, and his little toes are 3.81 cm long.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 600 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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