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Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Сначала я не узнал его. 2. Я никогда не узнаю вашего голоса. 3. Мы (случайно) узнали, что они подозревают нас. 4. Вы узнали (выяснили) их адрес? 5. Вы ведь спрашивали его об этом, не так ли? И что вы выяснили? 6. Вы не узнаете его, он очень изменился. 7. Сначала узнайте, откуда он получил такие сведения. 8. Я уже давно стараюсь выяснить это.

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:

1. What color of eyes do you like most?

2. What is the difference between a near-sighted person and a far-sighted person?

3. What can happen to a person’s voice if he shouts too loudly or too long?

4. What complexion do blond people usually have?

5. With which fingers do we hold a pen?

6. What happens to a child’s milk teeth?

7. How does hard manual work affect people’s hands? (callosity – мозоль)

8. What do we call people who lost their hair?

9. Where do earrings usually attached?

10. What is the difference between a sunburnt (tanned) and a swarthy (смуглый) face?

Ex. 16. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues.


A: If you are not too busy, come one evening and have dinner with us. I’ll ____________ you to all my people.

B: Is your family large?

A: Yes, our family is quite a big one. There are _____ of us. I have two ________ and ______ brothers.

B: Are your sisters as ________ as you are?

A: Oh, they are both prettier than I am. Ruth is ___ prettiest girl I know. They both have long _____ hair, but Ruth’s hair is longer and _______ than Margaret’s. Margaret is fatter than Ruth. She doesn’t like you to say she is _____; and we tell her she will get thinner when she gets ________.

B: Tell me about the others in your family, Freda.

A: Well, the _______ and the smallest one is Fred; he is the baby of the family. He is only four. Then there are Hans and Peter, the twins. They are exactly as ____ as each other, thirteen, and exactly as ______ as each other, and they are so much alike that people can hardly tell one from another.


A: Why do you look so worried, Helen?

B: The news of my daughter's engagement has nearly killed me in fact.

A: I thought you liked John.

B: I hardly know him. All that was so unexpected.

A: You'll learn to love him when you know him ________, I’m sure he'll prove to be a good husband and an affectionate son. I’ve known him for years.

B: But he looks so strange. So very _____, with small head ______ at the top,

too large ______ eyes, big ears and that long sharp nose of his. Besides he looks _____ for his age.

A: Oh, you are exaggerating things. True, he's a bit too tall but his big green ______are clever, intelligent eyes.

B: I wish his ______ were not so ugly.

A: Why, I like his face: there's something awfully nice about it. He isn't_____ at all, especially when he smiles and shows those perfect _______ of his.

B: I thought Ella would choose Henry. He is serious and decidedly __________. They would make such a nice couple.

A: You'll never make me agree with you. Henry is __________________, indeed, but there's something unkind in the look of his _____ eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me. It's wise of your daughter to have chosen John. Remember: appearances are deceitful, a fair ________ may hide a,foul soul.

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