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B) Choose the best English equivalent for the words given in Russian

1. He thought that you (занимаетесь) in for swimming.

a. went b. go c. will go

2. We are sure that they (разрешили) all the problems yesterday.

a. were solved b. are solved c. solved

3. In day-to-day life mathematics (используется) in every sphere, from telling the time to hobbies.

a. are used b. is used c. used

4. The train (отправляется из) London next Friday at 8 a.m. and (прибывает в) in Leeds at 11 a.m.

a. will leave, arrives b. leaves, will arrive c. leaves, arrives

5. As soon as the classes (окончатся), we shall hurry to the canteen.

a. will be over b. are over c. is over

6. The Dean said that a lot of interesting subjects (изучаются) by the students.

a. were studied b. will be studied c. studied

7. This equation essentially (отличается) from the one which we (решали) last time.

a. differed, solved b. differs, solved c. differed, solves

8. The main thing geometry (дает) us is the ideal of a logical system and of precise thinking.

a. is given b. gave c. gives

Ex. 11. Rewrite the following passages in the Passive Voice.

A. Charles Babbage, an English professor of mathematics, built the first computer in 1827. They called it a "Difference Engine". Babbage also devised the basic principles of the modern computer. He spent much of his own money on his inventions. In 1834 Babbage designed a more complex "Analytical Machine" – the world's first digital computer with a memory and program­ming, but couldn't get the finance to build it. People forgot about Babbage's machine till 1937 when they rediscovered his papers.

B. The school provides the Internet for students to conduct research and communicate with others in relation to schoolwork. They give the access to network service to those students who agree to act in a responsible manner. The staff thinks that access is a privilege, not a right. They expect that the user will follow the certain rules of behavior.

Ex. 12. Ask special questions.

1. Some properties are established by way of reasoning (how).

2. Geometry is concerned with the properties and relationships of figures in space (what... with).

3. Some figures such as cubes and spheres have three dimensions (how many).

4. Many discoveries were made in the nineteenth century (when).

5. The truth of non-mathematical propositions in real life is much less certain (where).

6. The given proposition and its converse can be stated as follows (in what way).

7. Pure mathematics deals with the development of knowledge for its own purpose and need (what... with).

8. Carl Gauss proved that every algebraic equation had at least one root (who).

9. There are three words having the same meaning (how many).

10. The given definition corresponds to the idea of uniqueness (what).

Ex. 13. Write the converses of the following propositions and decide in each case whether you think the converse is true or false.

1. If all three sides of a triangle are equal, the three angles of the triangle are also equal.

2. If all four sides of a quadrilateral are equal, the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.

3. If two triangles are equal, the angles of the two triangles are respectively equal.

4. If two rectangles are equal, the diagonals of one rectangle are equal to the diagonals of the other.

5. If dew (роса) has fallen, the grass is wet.

6. If the milkman has come, there are three bottles of milk on the back porch.

7. If Aunt Marian is coming, we shall have waffles for supper.

8. If the tree is dead, it has no sap (сок) in it.

9. A squirrel (белка) is an animal having a thick bushy tail.

10. A hungry baby cries.

11. Every point in line AB is a point in line ABC.

Ex. 14. Turn direct speech into reported speech.

1. Plato advised, "The principal men of our state must go and learn arithmetic, not as amateurs, but they must carry on the study until they see the nature of numbers with the mind only."

2. Descartes, father of modernism, said, "All nature is a vast geometrical system. Thus all the phenomena of nature are explained and some demonstration of them can be given."

3. In Descartes's words, "You give me extension and motion then I'll construct the universe."

4. The often repeated motto on the entrance to Plato's Academy said, "None ignorant of geometry enter here."

5. J.Kepler affirmed: " The reality of the world consists of its maths relations. Maths laws are true cause of phenomena. "

6. I.Newton said, " I don't know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself now and then by finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than usual; whist the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. If I saw a little farther than others, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants ".

Ex. 15. Choose the correct variant of translation.

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