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Project management

Project management has been practiced since early civilization [ˌsiv(ə)laiˈzeiʃ(ə)n]. As a discipline, Project Management developed from several fields[fɪːld] of application including civil construction, engineering, and heavy defense[diˈfen(t)s](оборона) activity. Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion [Kəmp’li: ʃ (ə) n] of specific project goals and objectives. The primary challenge [‘ʧælinʤ] (задача) of project management is to achieve all of the engineering project goals and objectives while honoring [ˈɔnə] the preconceived [ˌpri:kənˈsi:vd](предвзятое) project constraints.(ограничения)

There are a number of approaches(подходы) to managing project activities including agile[ˈæʤail](проворный,быстрый), interactive(взаимодействующий,диалоговый), incremental [ˌiŋkriˈment(ə)l](увеличивающийся постепенно, действующий по нарастающей, со стабильным подъёмом

), and phased approaches(поэтапный).

Regardless [Rigɑ: dləs] of the methodology employed, careful consideration must be given to the overall project objectives, timeline, and cost, as well as the roles and responsibilities of all participants and stakeholders. Независимо от используемой методологии, серьезное внимание должно быть уделено общим целям проекта, сроки и стоимость, а также роли и обязанности всех участников и заинтересованных сторон.

A project manager is a professional in the field of project management. A good project manager 1)has good communication skills 2)knows how to organize and motivate people 3) avoid(bp,tuftn) acting like a boss 4) includes member of the team in decision 5)is able to take a global view of the project 6) knows how to delegate work(распределять работу).Project managers can have the responsibility of the planning, execution(выполнение (работ, обязанностей, функций);), and closing of any project, typically relating to construction industry, engineering, architecture[ˈɑ:kitekʧə], computing[kəmˈpju:tiŋ](вычислительная техника), or telecommunications. One of the project’ problem is “dn have enough good project managers”Phases, or stages, are very important for project managers.The fact is. PM is probably the most difficult job in the firm. By thinking in terms of phases, you can ensure that the deliverables(рез-ты) produced at the end of each phase meet their purpose, and that project team members (or sub-teams) are properly prepared for the next phase.

A good team:1) is always friendly and easy-going 2) spend time developing a team spirit. Clients expect an immediate response to every question. Team member need to be informed of changes in direction [dɪ'rekʃn] immediately. The need for rapid-fire response requires the cellphone be turned on and e-mail be constantly checked.

Problems for a project team: competing goals between team members. Unclear team roles and overlapping duties(дублирующие роли).

The exact [igˈzækt] phases, and the order in which they're completed, may vary [ˈvεəri](изменять,отлич.) slightly(незначительно), depending on what you need to achieve with your project. The phases are as follows:

· Project strategy and business case.

· Preparation.

· Design.

· Development and testing.

· Training and business readiness.

· Support and benefits realization.

· Project close.

Project strategy and business case – In this phase, you define(определ,устанав) the overall project business requirement, and propose the approach or methodology [ˌmeθəˈdɔləʤi] that you want to use to add’ress it. Preparation – Here, you work with key stakeholders(организатор совместного дела; акционер, пайщик) and project team members who have already been identified(определен) to establish and start the project. Training and business readiness [ˈredinəs](готовность) – This stage is all about preparing for the project launch or "go live." Support and benefits realization – Make sure you provide(обеспеч) transitional(переходный) support to the business after the project is launched, and consider what's required(что требуется) before your team members are reassigned [ˌri:əˈsain](перераспределять,назнач на др должность). Project teams are often assigned to other work too soon after the project has gone "live", meaning that project benefits are often not fully realized. Project close – Closing a project is not the most exciting [ikˈsait](захватывающая) part of the project lifecycle [ˈsaikl], but, if you don't do it properly, you may obstruct(препятствие) the ongoing(постоянной) delivery of benefits to the organization(setbacks

). Make sure you do the following:

Multitask- многозадачные, Over budget, reach a consensus(согласие,единодушие),

?: I am not sure if I entirely understand ur question.Do u mean..?

What I would say is….i hope that answers ur question..

I am afraid I dn have that information at hand,but..

I am sorry, but that’s not really my field/department/sector.

I am not really an expert on..

Do u mind if we deal with that later..?

I am actually coming to that point later in my talk..

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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