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ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ. 1 R D BtLzzell, Predicting short term changes in market share as a [unction of advertising strategy JournalofMarketingResearch

1 R D BtLzzell, Predicting short term changes in market share as a [unction of advertising strategy JournalofMarketingResearch, 1964, 1(3), pp 27-31

2 Booz Allen & Hamilton, Inc, Management & Advertising Problems m the Advertiser Agency Relationship, Nev, York, NY Association of National Advertisers Inc, 1965

3 M N Blair, An empirical investigation of advertising weann and wearout. Journal of Advertising Research, 1988, 28 (6), pp 45-50

4 Т R King, R Frank, Coca-Cola may move its ad account to concern partly owned by Disney The Wall Street Journal Europe 18октябрн 1995, p 4

5 P С N Mtchelt.H Cataquet,S Hague, Establishmgthe causesof disaffectionm agency-client relations, Journal of Advertising Research, 1992, 32 (2), pp 41-48

6 G К Dowling, Searching for a new agency A client perspective, International Journal of Advertising, 1994,13(3), pp 229-242

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8 Обе цитаты из статьи К Sederberg, Top agency «creative?» take a close look at creativity, Advertising Age, June 2,1979, pp S-3 S 10 S 11, S 13

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11 В основу метода I—G—I положен так называемый «метод номинальной группы», разработанный Ван де Веном и Делбеиком См, например, А И Van de Yen and A L Delbecq, Nominal versus interacting group processes for committee decision-making effectiveness, Academy of Management Journal, 1971, 14 (2), pp 203-212, кА L Del­ becq, A H Van de Ven, and D H Guslafson, Group Techniques for Program Planning, Middleton.Wl Green BriarPress, 1986

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13 J С Hitchon and G A Churchill, To he or what to be An empirical investigation of metaphor's perspective effects in advertising communication, Working paper, Madison, WISchool of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin, 1992

14 M Dingena, The creation of meaning in advertising, Doctoral dissertation, Erasmus UmversityatRotterdam Thesis Publishers, 1994

15 5 A Cray and R Snyder, Metaphor in advertising Effects on memory, in M P Gardner, ed, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, St Louis P DePaulo, University of Missouri cm N Mitchell, D M Badzmski and D К Pawlowskt, Metaphors as vivid stimuli to enhance comprehension and recall of print advertisements, m KW King, ed, American Academy of Advertising Proceedings, Athens, GA University of Georgia, 1994, pp 198-205

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