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Oral Practice

6.8.1 Answer the questions on the texts "Treatment of Offenders".

1.In what way should the sentencers in England and Wales (according to the statement of the Court of Appeal) examine each case?

2. How do magistrates' courts work in England and Wales on imposing terms?

3. Which sentences may the Crown Court impose?

4. Has the death penalty been repealed in England and Wales?

5. What are the peculiarities of the court in Scotland?

6. What are the powers of the High Court in Scotland?

7. What are the sheriffs powers in Scotland?

8. What is the maximum term of imprisonment in the district court in Scotland?

9. Can a magistrates' court commit an offender for sentencing at the Crown Court?

10.What kinds of penalties in Great Britain are known to you, except for custody?

11.What is the most common sentence in Britain?

12.Is there any limit to the fine? In case you answer "yes", what is the maximum limit in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and in Scotland?

13.What is the purpose of probation?

14. For how long can an offender be placed on probation?

15. At what age can offenders be placed on probation?

16.In what way is the cost on the probation service shared in England and Wales?

17.Who is the probation service administered by?

18.How do probation services function in Scotland and in Northern Ire­land?

19.May offenders aged 16 or over 17 convicted of imprisonable offences be given community service orders?

20. Give the examples of community work done, will you?

21. In what cases is the sentence on probation suspended?

22. What do you know about the courts' order on compensation to vic­tims?

23. What is the attitude of the Government to awarding compensation? What is the practice like on this problem?

6.8.2 Read and listen to the text "Non-custodial Treatment" and make comments on it.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 316 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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