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Vocabulary. 1.4.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text "Criminal Justice" and translate the given sentences

1.4.1 Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text "Criminal Justice" and translate the given sentences.

1. crime [kraim] n — злочин

The police prevent and detect crime. It is a crime to waste money like that.

2. law n — право, закон, професія юриста, суд, статут

The new law comes into force next month. Stealing is against the law.

The law is on our side. He gave up law to become a writer.

lawyer n — юрист, адвокат,

Don't sign anything until you have consulted a lawyer.

lawful –законний,

Take power by lawful means!

3. culprit — злочинець

Someone broke a cup: who was the culprit? Police are searching for the culprits.

4. convict [kon'vikt] v (sb of sth) — визнавати винним, виносити вирок

She has twice been convicted (of fraud).

convict ['konvikt] n — обвинувачений, засуджений, ув'язнений

He is a convict as he is an escaped murderer.

conviction [kon'vikjn] n —1) осуд, визнання винним; 2) переконання

She has six convictions for theft. Do you always act in accordance with your convictions?

5. acquit [ э'kwit] v — виправдувати, звільняти

The jury acquitted him of (the charge of) murder.

acquittal [ э'kwitl] n — виправдання

Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal.

6. guilty ['gilti] adj — 1) винний (of— в); злочинний;2) винуватий (про погляд, вид)

The verdict of the jury was "not guilty". I feel guilty about visiting her so rarely.

guilt [gilt] n — I) провина, винність;2) комплекс провини

The police established his guilt beyond doubt. Guilt was written all over her face.

7. victim ['viktim] n — жертва

He is the victim of his own success.

8. criminal justice — карне судочинство

9. suspect [sэ'spekt] v — підозрювати

Who do the police suspect (of the crime)?

suspect n — підозрюваний

He is a prime suspect in the murder case.

10. common law — загальне право, звичайне право

11. riot ['raiэt] n — порушення суспільної тиші і порядку

Riots broke out in several areas.

12. disruption n — 1) руйнування; 2) розривши, розкол, підрив

Violent disruption was caused by rioters.

13. fraud [fro:d] n — обман, шахрайство, підробка

Thousands of frauds are committed every year.

14. prosecute ['prosikju:t] v (for sth/doing sth) — переслідувати судовим порядком

He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit. He acted as the prosecuting lawyer.

prosecutor, n — обвинувач

public prosecutor — прокурор

15. criminal law — карне право

16. legislation n — 1) законодавство; 2) закон, законопроект

Legislation will be difficult and take time. New legislation is to be introduced to help single-parent families.

17. probation n — умовне звільнення на поруки

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