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Reading for General Understanding. 1.6.1 Check the comprehension of the text "Criminal Justice" by listening to each question and choosing the answer

1.6.1 Check the comprehension of the text "Criminal Justice" by listening to each question and choosing the answer, which you think, is correct.

1. The Government's strategy for fighting with crime is to observe the rule of law by preventing crime where possible.

a) the Government tends only to sustain the rule of law and the whole strategy is designed on it;

b) the Government's strategy is to convict the guilty and acquit the in­nocent but no attention is paid to preventing crime;

c) yes, it is true. The Government's strategy is to prevent crime where possible and to deal firmly, adequately and sensibly with those found guilty.

2. Have a number of measures been taken to strengthen the criminal justice system?

a) the attempts have been made;

b) no measures have been taken whatever;

c) some serious measures have been taken.

3. The Public Order Act 1986 codifies the common law offences.

a) it codifies such offences as riot, unlawful assembly and affray;

b) it does not enhance the powers of the police to control public pro­cessions;

c) it does not provide additional powers at all to combat football hooli­ganism.

4. In practice most legislation affecting criminal law is government-spon­sored, but there is usually...

a) consultation with the party leaders;

b) consultation between government departments and the legal profes­sion;

c) consultation with trade union leaders.

5. In the United Kingdom, as in Western Europe generally, there has been a substantial increase in crime...

a) the United Kingdom is an exception; there has not been any crime growth since the early 1950s;

b) nothing definite can be said on this matter as official statistics cover only crime recorded by the police;

c) nevertheless, it is clear that in England and Wales there has been a substantial increase in crime since the early 1950s, especially vio­lence against the person, burglary, robbery, theft, etc.

6. The number of notifiable offences recorded by the police in England and Wales in 1987 was 3.9 million.

a) no, it is wrong. In 1987 there were 2.5 million offences;

b) the number of offences recorded by the police was 6 million;

c) yes, it is true and only 33 per cent were cleared up.

7. Clear-up rates for certain very serious offences in England and Wales were much higher in 1987.

a) yes, it is true. Clear-up rates for homicide were about 60 per cent;

b) yes, it is true. Clear-up rates for certain very serious offences were about 70 per cent;

c) clear-up rates for very serious offences were over 90 per cent for homicide and 75 per cent for violence against the person.

1.6.2 Pick out from the text "Criminal Justice" all the word combinations with the following words (terms) and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

- crime -victim

- guilty - offence

- to convict v, convict n - legislation

- law - to clear up

- powers - government

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 787 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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