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Look through the table to see the way the form of the verb predicate changes in each tense group in the Active and in the Passive Voice

Tense Voice Voice
  Active Passive
Present Indefinite The Government take/takes (приймає, розпочинає) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system are taken (приймаються, розпочинаються) by the Government.
Past Indefinite The Government took (прийняло, розпочало) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system were taken (були прийняті, розпочаті) by the Government.
Future Indefinite The Government will take (буде приймати, розпочне) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system will be taken (будуть прийняті, розпочаті) by the Government.
Present Continuous The Government are/is taking (приймає, розпочинає зараз) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system are being taken (приймаються,розпочинають -ся зараз) by the Government.
Past Continuous The Government were/was taking (приймало,розпочинало) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system were being taken (приймалися, розпочиналися) by the Government for a few years.
Future Continuous The Government will be taking (буде приймати, розпочинати) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system.  
Present Perfect The Government have/has just taken (тільки що прийняло, розпочало) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system have just been taken (були тільки що прийняті,розпочаті) by the Government.
Future Perfect The Government will have taken (прийме, розпочне) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system by the end of the year. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system will have been taken (будуть прийняті, розпочаті) by the Government by the end of the year.
Past Perfect The Government had already taken (уже прийняло,розпо- чало) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system by the beginning of the year. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system had already been taken (були прийняті, розпочаті) by the beginning of the year.
Present Perfect Continuous The Government have/has been taking ( приймає, розпочинає) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years (уже кілька років).  
Past Perfect Continuous The Government had been taking( приймало,розпочинало) а number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for a few years before the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987.  
Future Perfect Continuous By the end of this century the Government will have been taking (буде приймати, розпочинати) a number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system for twenty years (вже).  

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 302 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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