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UNIT 8 Civil Justice

(Цивільне судочинство) — Texts 8.5..............……………………………....172

8.1 Grammar: Modal Verbs with the Infinitive Active and Passive..…………...164

8.2 Skimming Reading - Texts 8.5...............................................……………....166

8.3 Scanning Reading — Texts 8.5..................................................…………….166

8.4 Vocabulary and Word Study - Texts 8.5.............................……………........167

8.5 Texts: The Civil Law. Civil Courts. England and Wales.....…………............172

8.6 Reading for General Understanding (Comprehension Test)……………........174

8.7 Reading for Detail and Language Study..................................……………....177

8.8 Oral Practice. Texts: Civil Law. Civil Courts in Scotland.

The High Court of Judiciaries. The Sheriff Courts and the

County Courts in Scotland. Civil Proceedings (Part I).............…………………..179

8.9 Development. Texts: Civil Proceedings (Part II). Administrative

Tribunals. The Restrictive Practices Court. Specialized Courts……………….....184

UNIT 9 Administration of Law

(Відправлення правосуддя) — Text 9.5.............................…………………...198

9.1 Grammar: The Gerund in the Active and in the Passive Voice.

The Functions of the Gerund................................................……………………...192

9.2 Skimming Reading - Text 9.5.........................................………………...........194

9.3 Scanning Reading - Text 9.5...........................................………………...........194

9.4 Vocabulary and Word Study - Text 9.5..............................………………........195

9.5 Text - Government Responsibilities...................................………………........198

9.6 Reading for General Understanding (Comprehension Test)....……………......200

9.7 Reading for Detail and Language Study...................................……………….202

9.8 Oral Practice. Texts: The Legal Profession (the Bar) in England.,

The Personnel of the Law Judges. Judicial Corps. Legal Aid,

Advice and Assistance............................................................……………………..204

9.9 Development. Texts: Law Reform. Aid in Criminal


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