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Advantages of Advertising

Advertising, as a tool of marketing, is used to increase the sale of goods or services of an organization. Public relations use advertising as a tool to help selling the policies and actions of an organization. Success in public relations affect the economic success of the organization is shown by increased public regard for the organization.

There are five basic types of public relations advertising: image-building, financial, public service, advocacy, announcement advertising

Advertising is paid and controlled by mass communication. This means that the organ­ization completely bypasses the newsroom gatekeepers and places its messages, exact­ly as written and formatted, with the medium's advertising department. Thus a pri­mary reason for using advertising as a communication tool is that control of the mes­sage remains with the sender.

Control of the Message: Gatekeepers frequently alter or truncate the news or features they receive. Sometimes the changes do little harm, but occasionally the blue pencil ruins an idea or eliminates an important point. With advertising, however, you can be sure that your message is reproduced in the exact words you choose and in the sequence you have planned.

Control of Impact: With advertising, you can make your messages as big, frequent, and powerful as you choose. The gatekeeper may think your message is worth a 4-inch space on page 9, but if you think it deserves major treatment, you can buy a whole page. The broadcast media present similar problems and opportunities.

Control of Timing: If timing is an important factor, advertising can guarantee that your message will be timely. Prompt response to a public issue, a fixed sequence of messages, continuity of communication - all can be maintained through advertising.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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