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1. Effectiveness of … manager's activity depends on certain important skills.

2. A conceptual skill is the ability of manager to see the "general" picture of... organization.

3. Managers must understand how their duties and... duties of other managers fit together to plan their activity in a proper way.

4. A decision making skill is … ability of … manager to choose... best course of actions of two or more alternatives.

5. Managers are responsible for... most important decisions which are required to carry out any organizational activity.

6. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problem before implementing... proper action plan.

7. An administrative skill is... ability of … manager to keep to the organizational rules specified for... production process.

8. Interpersonal skill is the ability to understand... needs and motives of other people.

Тест. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. How many categories are there in management skills?

a) 7

b) 5

c) 8

d) 3

2. What skill is the ability of a manager to see the "general" picture of an organization?

a) a decision making skill

b) a conceptual skill

c) an analytic skill

d) an administrative skill

3. For what level of managers is a conceptual skill very important?

a) for top managers

b) for middle managers

c) for first-line managers

4. What is a decision making skill?

a) the ability to see the "general" picture of an organization;

b) the ability to determine the most important problem before implementing a proper action plan;

c) the ability to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives.

5. Who is responsible for the most important decisions which are required to carry out any organizational activity?

a) an economist

b) a psychologist

c) a manager

6. Why is an analytic skill important for top managers?

a) they have to solve complex problems

b) it helps them plan "super goals"

c) to develop proper strategies for the whole organization

7. What kind of skill is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people?

a) an administrative skill

b) a communicational skill

c) an interpersonal skill

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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