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1. The standards guiding ongoing activity are derived from job descriptions and from policies resulting from the planning function.

2. Corrective action is directed at improving either the resource acquisition process or the actual operations.

3. Direction follows the formal chain of command, since the responsibility of each superior is to interpret for subordinates the orders received from higher levels.

4. Many managers have assumed that their directives were straightforward and to the point, only to discover that their subordinates failed to understand or to accept them as legitimate.

5. But unlike preliminary and concurrent control, the focus of corrective action is not that for which the standard is set-output.

3. Вставьте соответствующий глагол в нужной грамматической форме:

to perform, to ensure, to meet, to consist, to conform, to compare, to enable, to provide, to vary

1. Human resources must_________the job requirements as defined by the organization. Employees must have the physical and intellectual capabilities___________assigned task.

2. The raw material that is converted into a finished product must_________to standards of quality. At the same time, a sufficient inventory must be maintained ___________ a continuous flow__________ customer demands.

3. Concurrent control__________primarily of actions of supervisors who direct the work of their subordinates.

4. The scope and content of the direction phase _______ according to the work being supervised, as noted earlier.

5. A detailed analysis of the financial statements' information__________management to determine the adequacy of the firm's earning power and its ability to_______current and long term obligations.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 355 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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