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D. must, had to go

31. If I had gone ___ the sales, I'm sure I ___ something.

a. to, would buy

b. for, would buy

c. to, would have bought

d. to, will buy

32. A friend of yours ___ to learn English as soon as possible. What ___ him to do?

a. would like, you will advise

b. is like, will you advise

c. would like, would you advise

d. likes, you would advise

33. Nothing happened the way it ___! I wish I ___ start anew!

a. should be, would

b. should have, could

c. is, would be able to

d. was, can

34. We didn’t tell him ___ whole truth ___him.

a. the, not to discourage

b. ‑, to not discourage

c. the, not discouraging

d. a, in order to discourage

35. The day is too hot ___ out on the beach.

a. for we are

b. for us to be

c. to us to be

d. so we to be

36. ___ a car and ___ on the car phone at the same time ___ care.

a. Driving, talking, demands

b. To drive, talk, demands

c. Driving, talking, demand

d. To drive, talking, demand

37. Omar’s guests don’t ___ his over-spiced oriental dishes.

a. feel to eat

b. feel to eating

c. feel like to eat

d. feel like eating

38. They ___ to be specialists. Is it worth ___ them.

a. believe, my calling

b. are believed, while my calling

c. are believed, to my calling

d. are believed, through my calling

39. She sat ___ patiently, ___ Kate ___ plates of sandwiches to the table.

a. waiting, to watch, to bring

b. and wait, watching, bringing

c. waiting, watching, bringing

d. waiting, watching, to bring

40. Her father ___ heavily, it was difficult to breathe in the house.

a. smoked

b. having smoked

c. being smoked

d. smoking

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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