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Exercise 19. Grammar test. 3. I wasn’t allowed out unless my parents knew where I was going

1. I don’t mind … alone.

a. to work

b. to working

c. working

d. work

2. Me jeans need ….

a. wash

b. washing

c. to wash

d. washed

3. I wasn’t allowed … out unless my parents knew where I was going.

a. going

b. to

c. go

d. to going

4. We enjoy … for picnics.

a. to going

b. to go

c. go

d. going

5. Don’t forget … me before you leave.

a. wake

b. waking

c. to wake

d. to waking

6. You are not allowed … here

a. smoking

b. to smoke

c. smoke

d. to smoking

7. I hate … for exams.

a. to be preparing

b. preparing

c. prepare

d. to have prepared

8. They went on … though it was late.

a. to work

b. to have worked

c. working

d. to working

9. I was made ….

a. to leave

b. leaving

c. leave

d. to leaving

10. Taking the job will mean … to Detroit.

a. to move

b. move

c. moving

d. to moving

11. Jack always stopped … the oil level in the engine.

a. to have checked

b. checking

c. to checking

d. to check

12. If you don’t make him … his homework, I will!

a. to do

b. do

c. doing

d. to do

13. Jill felt something … her on the shoulder.

a. to touch

b. touches

c. to touching

d. touch

14. Jennie had never heard him … before.

a. to complain

b. complained

c. to complaining

d. complain

15. I want him … to the party.

a. invite

b. be invited

c. inviting

d. to be invited

16. You can’t expect anyone … it at once.

a. to do

b. doing

c. having done

d. to doing

17. They suggested … back to Mike’s house.

a. to go

b. go

c. to going

d. going

18. This summer we look forward … prices for gasoline.

a. to decrease

b. decrease

c. decreasing

d. to decreasing

19. Mary didn’t succeed in … things easily.

a. taking

b. taken

c. having taken

d. being taken

20. I … nights and I like it.

a. used to working

b. got used to work

c. didn’t use to work

d. am used to working

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