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V. GRAMMAR TEST. Choose the correct form

1. ___ health is ___ priceless possession.

a. The, the

b. The, a

c. ‑, a

d. ‑, the

2. Don’t give me ___ milk. You know I hate it at this time of ___ day.

a. ‑, ‑

b. the, the

c. the, a

d. ‑, a

3. If you think about ___ money positively, ___ will come to you

a. ‑, they

b. the, they

c. a, they

d. ‑, it

4. ___ company, Google, was founded in 1998.

a. Page’s and Brin’s

b. Page’s and Brin

c. Page and Brin

d. Page and Brin’s

5. Even in ___ sad weather there was ___ restful about the green fields.

a. this, something

b. that, something

c. that, some

d. this, some

6. He becomes more cynical ___.

a. the older he gets

b. the oldest he gets

c. as he is older

d. as older he gets

7. The weather is ___ today ___ it was yesterday.

a. much more better, than

b. more better, than

c. much better, than

d. better, as

8. Ever since my childhood I ___ nature and the wild creatures who ___ the countryside.

a. loved, inhabit

b. have loved, inhabit

c. have loved, inhabited

d. loved, have inhabited

9. He ___ that their paths ___ again.

a. has known, would meet

b. knew, meet

c. knew, would meet

d. knew, will meet

10. Our Geography teacher ___ us at the last lesson that there ___ not any unknown islands left on the Earth.

a. told, were

b. told, are

c. has told, are

d. told, was

11. ___ you ___ your weekends already? – Yes, I ___ dinner with a friend.

a. Have, planned, will have

b. Did, plan, am going to have

c. Have, plan, have

d. Have, planned, am having

12. Can I have a look ___ you work? – I’m afraid not. I ___ it by 6 PM, I promise.

a. on, will do

b. at, am going to do

c. at, will have done

d. for, will do

13. I ___ her at the airport tomorrow morning. The plain ___ at 10.45.

a. am meeting, arrives

b. will meet, will arrive

c. am going to meet, is arriving

d. meet, will arrive

14. In the evening Mrs. Dursley ___ her husband that she ___ a nice, normal day.

a. has told, had

b. had told, had had

c. has told, had had

d. told, had had

15. She ___ toothache since she ___ up this morning.

a. had, woke

b. has had, had woken

c. has had, woke

d. had, had woken

16. Nearly a quarter of a century ___ since this book ___.

a. passed, has been published

b. has passed, published

c. has passed, was published

d. passed, was published

17. Heart disease ___ the leading cause of death __ the United States.

a. considers, at

b. is considered, in

c. will consider, for

d. was considered, at

18. The new program ___ for errors ___ three o'clock yesterday.

a. was being tested, at

b. was tested, in

c. has been tested, at

d. tested, at

19. Then we ___ by our supervisor ___ every document on time.

a. asked, submit

b. were asked, submit

c. asked, to submit

d. were asked, to submit

20. I wonder when ___ participate ___ the conference.

a. are they going to, at

b. they are going to, in

c. will they, in

d. they will, at

21. ‘Aren’t you bothered ___ all that noise?’ – ‘No, we ___ to noise. We live in the city centre.’

a. with, used

b. by, are used

c. with, were used

d. by, will get used

22. ‘I don’t like wearing a suit every day.’ – ‘____ worry, you ___ to it very soon.’

a. Be not, are used

b. Do not, will get used

c. Not, are used

d. Don’t, were used

23. ‘Do you remember the things we ___ to do when we were kids?’ – ‘Of course I do. How could I forget what fun we ___!’

a. are used, had

b. got used, have

c. were used, had had

d. used, had

24. ‘How cold it is here! You ___ to close the window when the door is open.’

a. are always forgetting

b. always forget

c. have forgotten

d. forgot

25. ‘How___ your holidays when you were a child?’ – ‘I ___ to my granny.’

a. did you spend, would always go

b. do you spend, was used

c. did you spend, went

d. have you spent, went

26. A good general makes every preparation ___ defeat, ___ such contingency arise.

a. for, could

b. for, would

c. against, might

d. against, should

27. I asked what time the attack ___ be and they said as soon as it ___ dark.

a. must, was

b. had to, has been

c. has to, was

d. was to, was

28. You ___ be afraid of telling me ___.

a. needn’t, something

b. don’t, anything

c. must not, nothing

d. needn’t, anything

29. The girl ___ around so many times. She fell down.

a. shouldn't have spun

b. shouldn’t spin

c. couldn’t have spun

d. couldn’t spin

30. ‘Where are they?’ – ‘I’m not sure. They ___ be abroad. They ___ to the airport for some reason yesterday.’

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