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Answer the questions. 2. What process do we call ionization?

1. What are ions?

2. What process do we call ionization?

3. Can electrolytes conduct electricity?

4. What do we call non-electrolytes?

5. What compounds have molecules with unsymmetrical electrical field?

6. What are electrovalent compounds composed of?

2. Translate word-combinations:

to carry an electric charge; neutral atoms; its ability to carry on the experiment; conductors of electricity; covalent compounds; polar covalent compounds; weakening their bonds and causing dissociation

3. Translate word-combinations:

кислоти; проводити дослідження; розчинені у воді; електричний заряд; нейтральні атоми та молекули; сильні електроліти; частковий позитивний заряд.

4. Translate the following sentences:

1. The material was by no means perfect, and the results obtained were rather irregular. 2. Speeds are obtained partly by electrical means. 3. This device is used as a means of regulating the amount of gas. 4. It is a means for producing a chemical reaction. 5. Practically this means that you made a mixture of these gases. 6. The mean atmospheric pressure, however, has been fixed at 760 mm, and is often simply called "atmosphere". 7. Deformation means change of form. 8. I shall do it by all means. 9. Radio signal is transmitted by means of radio waves. 10. He has to finish this experiment by the end of the year by all means. 11. In the first year we are taught chemistry, structure of matter, higher mathematics, etc. We are also given laboratory works to do. 12. The delegates were shown new types of devices which are produced at our plant. 13. All the instruments were looked at with great interest. 14. At this chemical plant the huge automatic unit was opera- ted by only a few men. 15. Great attention is paid to the development of science and technology in this country. 16. His scientific paper will be discussed at the conference. 17. All the data will be analyzed by the experimenter himself.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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