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Answer the questions. 4. What has an effect on the rate of solution?

1. What is a solution?

2. What is a solute?

3. What is a solvent?

4. What has an effect on the rate of solution?

5. What is solubility?

6. What factors is the solubility determined by?

7. What is a dilute solution?

8. What is a concentrated solution?

9. Is water a solvent?

10. What commonly used solvents do you know?

2. Translate the following sentences:

1. Не proposed to use a new method of collecting data. 2. We had to return the books to the library because we were not allowed to borrow some new ones. 3. We were glad to see them. 4. He wanted the new method to be used in our laboratory. 5. This experiment was not difficult to be carried out in the students' laboratory. 6. We were proud to have been given prizes for our research. 7. Recently they have done a lot of work to investigate the effect concerned. 8. To carry out this experiment is very important. 9. To obtain these results a lot of work had to be done. 10. The experiment to be followed by a discussion was very interesting. 11. The material to be attacked by an acid was placed in a beaker. 12. His article to be referred to later was published last month. 13. D.I. Mendeleyev was the first to arrange the elements according to their atomic masses. 14. The element 101 was the first to have been given the name of a Russian chemist. 15. One of the first man-made elements to be obtained was polonium.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 452 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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