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Chromatography techniques

The techniques of carrying out a chromatographic investigation are very simple. The basic apparatus is the adsorption column. The adsorption column may be constructed of soft glass or in special cases of quartz. The diameter аnd length of the column are determined by the quantity of material to be absorbed.

No universal adsorbent has been found. A good adsorbent should satisfy the following criteria: it should hold relatively large quantities of the materials to be resolved; the resolved materials must be eluted from the adsorbent by polar solvents; the size of the particles of adsorbent should be such as will allow rapid and uniform percolation; the adsorbents must not react with either the materials to be resolved nor the materials to be used as solvent or color developer; the adsorbent should not be porous and should, if possible, be colorless.

The chromatograph is made as follows: a solution of the material to be adsorbed is poured into the adsorption column and allowed to percolate through the adsorbent. The column is washed with additional portions of the original solvent from which the compound was adsorbed. The sides of the column are washed with small portions of the solvent and then larger quantities are added to the column. The passage of the solvent through the column causes the adsorbed materials to move at different rates and thus produce the chromatogram.


should be such as will allow –має бути таким, щоб дозволити     rapid and uniform percolation -швидке і рівномірне просочування

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 598 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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