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The most generally useful technique for accomplishing a phase separation is the solid-liquid separation, obtained in a precipitation.

To have wide applicability a precipitant should form compounds with many metal ions, and these compounds should have a wide range of solubility. To obtain proper conditions, the concentration of the precipitant should be controlled easily.

What sort of precipitant is most desirable depends upon many variables: how many samples must be determined, what constituents are present, what reagents are at hand, what time is available, and what accuracy is desired, etc.


Another type of solid-liquid phase separation is furnished by electrolytic techniques. Two electrodes are placed in the solution of interest, and a current is passed through the solution at a voltage sufficient to reduce some but not all of the metals present. If the current and concentrations are adjusted properly, the metals which are reduced will plate out on the electrode in a pure metallic deposit which can be dried and weighed directly.


the solution of interest –розчин, що досліджується will plate out -відкладається to reduce some but not all –для часткового видалення

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 412 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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