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UNIT 8. Taking Your Case to Court

1. Сomplete the sentences, using the appropriate words:

a – designed; b – costly; c – guardians; d – action; e – a fine; f – position; g – fraud; h – damages; i – jail term; j – time–consuming.

1. Your complaint may form the basis for a criminal … against the seller.

2. Minors can sue through their parents or….

3. Criminal … oc­curs when a salesperson knowingly misstates or misrepresents some important fact, resulting in harm.

4. State laws provide … or … for a convicted defendant.

5. Taking a case to court can be … and ….

6. In civil court you can sue for….

7. A suit for damages or specific performance is designed to place you in approximately the … you would have been in if the contract had been successfully completed.

8. A suit for rescission and restitution is … to return both the buyer and the seller to the positions they were in before the contract began.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (–)? Correct the false statements.

1. Whether or not a crime is involved, you may wish to take your case to civil court.

2. A seller’s action is never a crime.

3. In case you’re the victim of a crime you should contact the police or your local prosecutor.

4. If a civil dispute involves a large amount of money, the case will be brought in criminal court.

5. In some places high–cost legal services may be available to consumers who cannot afford an attorney.

6. If you sue for damages, you ask the court to order the seller to carry out the specific terms of the agreement.

7. Specific performance is an order to pay to a person who has suffered a loss or an injury.

8. If you ask to cancel the contract it is called restitution.

9. Rescission is an order to the person you are suing to give back any money you have already paid.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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