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UNIT 6. What to Do After Buying

1. Сomplete the sentences, using the appropriate words:

a – arose; b – refund; c – conversations; d – inspect; e – working; f – replace­ment; g – reputable; h – response; i – headquarters; j – cancel; k – remain; l – purchase.

1. When you have some problems, it is important to … calm and be persistent.

2. The first thing to do after buying a product is to … it.

3. If you do not receive the exact product you purchased, take it back to the seller and ask for a … or ….

4. Misuse of a product may be dangerous and may … your legal rights.

5. … business people are interested in a customer’s future business.

6. Provide the seller with all the necessary information—identify the item, give the date and location of …, describe when and how the problem …, and explain what you want done.

7. Date the letter and include your name, address, and a phone number where you can be reached during regu­lar … hours.

8. Keep a copy of the letter along with any … for your records.

9. Make notes about any … you had with the seller.

10. If you don’t know the address of the manu­facturer or the corporate …, go to your local library and look it up in Standard and Poor’s Register of Corporations.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (–)? Correct the false statements.

1. Even smart consumers can seldom solve their own problems.

2. If the instructions are clear or seem complete, contact the seller.

3. If you experience a problem with a product, you should always try to fix the product yourself first.

4. Most problems and misunder­standings can be cleared up with a face–to–face discussion or a tele­phone call.

5. You might as well bring along your sales receipt, war­ranty, or other pertinent information.

6. If the seller refuses to help or gives you the runaround, send a written complaint to the owner or store manager.

7. If the seller refuses to help you, consider contacting the prod­uct’s manufacturer.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 535 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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