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UNIT 3. Consumer Law

1. Сomplete the sentences, using the appropriate words:

a – smart; b – protection; c – splurge; d – caveat emptor; e – mislead; f – response; g – rights; h – agreement; i – informed; j – consumer.

1. A … is a person who buys goods and services for personal or household purposes from a seller.

2. When sellers agree to provide and consumers agree to pay for goods or services, the parties have entered into a legal...

3. For many years, consumer law was characterized by the legal expression…

4. Consumers now have a right to be correctly … of important information.

5. Sellers must avoid sales and advertising practices that…, deceive, or are otherwise unfair to consumers.

6. The best … is still a careful purchase.

7. While consumers have many …, they also have responsibili­ties.

8. … consumers understand the factors that influence their shopping habits.

9. Sometimes consumers … and buy things they really don’t need.

10. Consumers often buy things in …to advertising.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (–)? Correct the false statements.

1. Aconsumer is a person who buys goods and services from a seller.

2. When sellers agree to provide and consumers agree to pay for goods or services, the parties have entered into a contract.

3. Consumers now do not have a right to be correctly informed of important information, such as quality, price and credit terms.

4. The worst protection is a careful purchase.

5. Sellers are seldom better informed about the products or services being offered.

6. Consumers have a right to be fair and honest.

7. If you fall victim to a deceptive practice, all is not lost.

8. When you can’t solve the problem yourself, the law may provide a remedy.

9. Smart consumers think about whether they need the product, whether they can afford it, and how they can purchase it carefully.

10. Many ads provide useful information about products or announce the start of a sale.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 570 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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