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UNIT 12. Ads that Appeal to Our Emotions

1. Complete the sentences, using the appropriate words from the box:

Associate; recommended; technique; seeing is believing; promotes; brand name; advertising.

1. Legal … influences people to buy things they really don’t want, need, or know much about.

2. Some ads … products with popular ideas or symbols, such as family, motherhood, wealth, or sex appeal.

3. The bandwagon approach is a technique that … the idea that everybody’s using the product.

4. Ads for certain medicines include the phrase, “… by doctors.”

5. A common television technique is based on the notion that ….

6. Some advertisers have been successful in getting consumers to connect one … with a certain product.

7. Whatever … advertisers use, you should learn to sepa­rate the product from the characters and images in its ads.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (-)? Correct the false statements.

1. For many consumers, the biggest problem is false advertising.

2. Many ads try to sell products by appealing to the emotions.

3. The bandwagon approach is a technique that involves hav­ing famous athletes or movie stars advertise the product.

4. Other ads try to convince consumers by resorting to the claims of authorities, such as doctors.

5. A common radio technique is based on the notion that seeing is believing.

6. Some ads appeal to emotion simply by trying to make us cry or feel bad.

7. If ads include catchy musical jingles, consumers remembered the jingle but not the product.

8. Because of many techniques advertisers use, it is always difficult to separate the product from the characters and images in its ads.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 593 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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