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Kinds of Laws. 1. Сomplete the sentences, using the appropriate words:

1. Сomplete the sentences, using the appropriate words:

a – felonies; b – the penalty; c – award; d – wronged or injured; e – committed the wrong; f – a legal action; g – misdemeanors; h – term; i– everyday situa­tions.

1. A criminal case is… brought by the government against a person charged with committing a crime.

2. Lawsuit can be brought by a person who feels … by another person.

3. Criminal offenses are divided into … and...

4. … for a felony is a term of more than one year in prison.

5. For a misdemeanor, the penalty is a prison … of one year or less.

6. Courts may … the injured person money for the loss.

7. Civil laws regulate many...

8. Courts may award the injured person money for the loss, or they may order the person who … to make amends in some other way.

2. Are the statements true (+) or false (–)? Correct the false statements.

1. Laws fall into three major groups.

2. Civil laws regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society.

3. Criminal laws regulate relations between individuals or groups of in­dividuals.

4. Criminal offenses are divided into felonies and misdemeanors.

5. Felonies are less serious crimes such as murder or robbery.

6. Misdemeanors are more serious crimes such as assault or minor theft.

7. An exam­ple of a civil action is a lawsuit for recovery of damages suffered in an automobile accident.

8. One action can not violate civil and criminal law at the same time.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 530 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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