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Lexical transformations

The term was used by Retsker. Sometimes to achieve adequacy the translator must considerably change words and phrases of the original and instead of formal correspondences use functional correspondences. Such changes are called contextual substitutions or lexical transformations.

The choice of a more specific word in translation that gives a more detailed description of the idea is a common case in English-Ukrainian translation. English often uses general terms to describe definite objects or actions. We resort to specification: The focus is on the description of the selection process itself. - Тут увага зосереджується на описі самого процесу відбору.

The opposite procedure is the use of more general equivalent - generalization.

A young man of 6 feet 2 inches - Молодий чоловік вище середнього зросту

Another type is called modulation -logical development of the meaning. It involves the creation of an equivalent by replacing a unit in SL with a TL unit, the meaning of which can be logically deduced from it, it is just another way of referring to the same object or an aspect of the same situation.

He let me sit in front with the drive. - Він дозволив сісти мені в кабіну.

Additions are resorted to with the aim of achieving the necessary expressiveness. It becomes necessary in the TL either in order to express more clearly the content of the SL unit, or for the sake of achieving some stylistic effect." I'm so glad you've asked me, darling" -"Я дуже радий, що ти мене запитала про це, люба"

Often occurring are also omissions, which may be of two types:

a) objectively required - (articles, pronouns) -he has his hands in his pockets - він тримає руки в кишенях; -Oh, I like them I really do.-О, вони подобаються мені. Справді.

b) casual or subjectively introduced.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 818 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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