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Clauses joine3d by different conjunctions is free or fixed

1.He killed her because she loved Sam du Plesis (Abrahams). 2. He had met a few – not so many as yet – nine people here, since he hadn’t been here so very long himself – four months all told (Dreiser). 3. She made no reply, for she really spoke, husbanding her aged voice (Galsworthy). 4. He looked suspiciously about him, for the men were conversing in groups, and he learned to the subject of their talk (Ch. Dickens). 5. Of course, as you didn’t turn up this morning, I very nearly said yes (Wilde). 6. They did not say anything because they were asleep (Aldridge).

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions because, for, since and as.

1.He refused to take money… he couldn’t give any guarantees that the treatment would help (Carter). 2. And … I am married and childless, I wish to adopt her during my life and bequeath her at my death whatever I may have to leave (Ch. Bronte). 3. If the black Man had come alone, they would have protested and made loud remarks, but … there was a white man with him they did not know how to react (Abrahams). 4. They had come straight from the plants, … the hands that they carried the roses were grimed with toil (Carter). 5. Her father, indeed, was always telling her that she only drank China tea… it was a fashion (Galsworthy). 6. All Chenkin’s relations – and they were numerous, … marriage was common in the valleys – had become welded into a hostile unit (Cronin). 7. She had walked some distance, … her shoes were worn to pieces (Ch. Dickens). 8. He walked and waited, until he feigned a wild rush, which he stopped midway, … until he had seen the glint of metal (London). 9. Never had there been so full an assembly, … mysteriously united in spite of all their differences, they had taken arms against a common peril (Galsworthy).

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English using adverbial clauses of cause:

1. Я все эти дни не записывал впечатления, потому что писать не хотелось. 2. Раз вы уже настаиваете, мне придется подчиняться. 3. Девочка, должно быть, серьезно болела: она очень бледна. 4. Андрей решил, поскольку он находится здесь, он может, по крайней мере, зайти и договориться о встрече. 5. Возьмите с собой плащ, так как барометр падает и небо покрыта тучами. 6. Ребенка надо отдать в музыкальную школу, так как у него хороший слух.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 617 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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