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Find the most suitable answer

Short-term loans are often used for:

A) purchase of equipment;

B) Construction of new plants and buildings;

С) the cost of the payment of wages;

D) The financing of scientific research and experimental design development.

4. What is the net profit and the profit rate of the bank?

Bank receives gross income, which includes revenues from all business operations, including, for example, the purchase and sale of foreign currency. Of the gross profit goes to cover the cost of banking.

Determine what the net profit, calculated as the rate of profit of the bank.

5. How is the real interest rate?

In an inflationary environment, it is important to distinguish between nominal and real interest rates. Real rate - the nominal (actually achieved in a given period) interest rate, calculated according to the level of inflation.

The design task.

Assume that the stock par value $ 300 hedgehog EXP pay dividends in the amount of 15 dollars, and lending rate is 3%.

Calculate what the course of action under normal conditions.

7. Is it better to choose?

Where do you prefer to invest free (in the home) money:

a) a deposit in a savings bank;

b) for the purchase of shares;

a) for the purchase of foreign currency;

d) for the purchase of lottery tickets.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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